复盘 review,
赋能 enable,
抓手 grip,
对标 benchmark,
沉淀 internalize,
对齐 alignment,
拉通 stream-line,
倒逼 push back,
颗粒度 granularity,
落地 landing,
中台 middle office,
方法论 methodology,
漏斗 funnel,
组合拳 blended measures,
闭环 closed loop,
生命周期 life cycle,
打法 tactics,
履约 delivery,
引爆点 tipping point,
串联 cascade,
价值转化 value transfer,
关联转化 associated transfer,
纽带 bond,
矩阵 matrix,
协同 collabration,
反哺 give back,
点线面 point, line and to plane,
认知 perception,
强化认知 reinfored perception,
强化心智 mind-set,
智能 smart-reinforced,
机器学习 machine learning,
智能决策 smart decision,
交互 inter-link,
兼容 inclusive,
包装 package,
相应 relative,
刺激 stimulate,
规模 scale,
重组 restructure,
量化 measurable,
宽松 loose,
资源倾斜 resources allocation,
完善逻辑 perfect logic,
抽离透传 detach and circulate,
抽象思维 abstract thinking,
复用打法 replicate tactics,
发力 put the force on,
精细化 refining,
布局 layout,
商业模式 business model